Since you're reading this, you may already be a Network Marketer, Internet Marketer or just joined TrafficWave as an affiliate. Whatever the case may be, your ulitmate success or failure is absolutely a by-product of your ability to master the top Network Marketing lead-generating activities. If you do, you will most definitely succeed in a big way. The reality however is that many (statistics say about 97%) don't.
The marketers that do succeed in this industry are the ones that set aside all that they think they know, and follow the activities of the ones that really do know. As simple as that sounds, so many people cannot, will not or won't do this. Nobody wants to leave their comfort zone and I believe this is the biggest contributing factor to people’s failure in this industry. I'm going to go ahead and recommend a book right here and now. It's called 'Insider Tells All: Ultimate Recruiting System'. The author is a guy named Mike Demetro. You can get a copy at - and no, I don't earn any money when you buy the book. I'm not kidding. I make no money from that link.
But if you don't care about Mike Demetro and his book, that's fine. In that case, I would say that the very best way to attract leads to your MLM affiliate business is with blogging and/or article marketing. It costs nothing but time and is fairly easy to learn. You just have to do the work, that's all. You can write articles on pretty much any topic that relates to your business and/or opportunity and (with training) you can learn how to have that article rank on the first page of Google. Then when people start searching for the keywords you have selected, your article or blog post will appear and you will have magically provided them with the content they were looking for. And, of course ,you want to provide them with the ability to gather even more information. This is one of the MLM blueprint secrets you will want to learn. This marketing strategy alone can provide you with endless leads within 90 days if executed correctly.
Another rapidly expanding strategy is Social Media. The favorite of many is Facebook. With over 500,000,000 users, how can you go wrong in getting the word out? It is not hard to use Facebook as one of your Network Marketing lead generating activities. However, beware of mixing your family and friends with business contacts that you make online. With Facebook, you'll regret that. But there are also others like MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube as well. But the nice thing about Facebook (other than its awesome size) is that they allow you to search for people that are like-minded and have similar interests as you. This is very powerful and only getting stronger every day. In fact, there are literally hundreds of social networking sites out there in 2011 that are perfect for generating business leads. It's just takes work, that's all. It takes lots and lots of work!
So if you want to be one of the top 3% of Network Marketers that succeed in a big way in this industry, be a person not only of action but one of Massive Action. Learn how to incorporate these and other lead generating activities into your daily routine and you will find success on the other side.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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Hi I came across your blog search for info on Mike Demetro and his book. It looks like you've read it. My question is, is it all that? I see you recommending other marketing methods so sound like he just has a technique, albeit may be good, but not something that is "magical" as made to appear.
ReplyDeleteCan you share more info about what the book is about and some generality as to what he is suggesting for growing one's mlm.
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