Sunday, September 19, 2010

TrafficWave - OceanSwell TEAM Update (#9)

A lot of good things have been happening lately with TrafficWave, including improvements to the product itself and (of course) the continued growth of our OceanSwell Team. And I am seeing more and more of our Team members actually learning how to use the AR with squeeze pages in order to build their email contact lists and market other products and services. That is excellent! Our side promotion with Global NPN is apparently going quite well too, as I'm told that we're enrolling 3-4 new Team Members a week into it.

Speaking of Team Members, I would like to give a warm welcome to our newest TrafficWave user and affiliate, Mr. Roberto Galvez. And in addition to that, the monthly $40.00 cash bonus award goes to Ms. Pat Rogers. She has been a loyal Team Member since the beginning and probably works harder than anybody else ever could when it comes to promoting our Team Ads. And that helps ALL of us! She deserves it this month and (as always) I suggest that the money is used to buy a share in TrafficWave's October ad co-op, but it's up to Pat how she uses it to help her business grow.

Oh, I’m sure this will really hack some people off… but what the heck! I’m writing my opinion, so here it goes. This weekend, I was surfing, reading safelist emails and even working a couple of forums. One thing that irks me are the ads claiming that their system 'is not MLM' or 'isn't a Rotator'. I decided that I had had enough with the trash-talking about how all MLMs or Rotator-based Team-Builds are scams. There's absolutely nothing wrong with MLM and 'Rotator' isn't a bad word. And 99% of the time, when someone claims that 'this isn't MLM'... it IS. And when they say 'no Rotator'... it HAS one. Let's face it, everything is 'multi-level' - the government, the church, the army and every major business. As for all the attempts to make 'Rotator' a dirty word, trust me: if someone is deciding who goes where and when, it's a Rotator.

The other thing that really gripes me are the ads that say 'do nothing and get paid!' Now THAT'S a scam, in my opinion. If nobody has to do anything, then who buys what and from who? Nothing happens until something is sold and every online business will require both your time and your money. Period. One of the reasons that I feel Team OceanSwell has been (and continues to be!) such a huge success with both TrafficWave and Global NPN is because those two programs are basic, meat-and potatoes MLM's that have a solid track-record. Their affiliate pages don't show people driving around in Ferraris, standing in front of their mansion, sailing in their yacht or boarding their jet either.

One of the reasons that so many people try online business and then give up and quit is misleading advertising. Let’s be honest here…the vast majority of people won’t achieve those kinds of results. In fact, I believe that the marketing style above is one of the very reasons why there’s a high attrition rate in network marketing. Another reason is that so many people out there are truly desperate and are turning to the Internet to somehow bail them out of their financial condition. Ads making claims of earning 'quick bucks' have a very strong appeal to those people.

Network Marketing is a business and not a lottery. Businesses take money and time to grow. I don’t care what anyone else says, to grow a business you need to invest time and money. I believe that you need some money to make money. Note that I didn’t say you need a ton of money, I just said some. That's why I recently suggested 3x6surf as beginner program for those who truly cannot afford anything more than $3 a month in subscription fees. The only other thing you can do is get a job - any job - because if you don’t have ANY money, you won’t be in business for long.

This is why I firmly believe it’s my duty to tell people who are interested in joining our business, what I believe it really takes to make it in the business. It's called HONESTY. I don't want a single person to join TrafficWave and/or Global NPN through Team OceanSwell without knowing my views on what it takes to succeed based on their particular financial goals. Look, I'm not trying scare people off from the industry that I love, but the emails I get from some Team Members lead me to believe that a good dose of reality is in order for quite a few people are are new to the online business world.

The good news, however, is that those who get set up online now - in this first decade of the new century - will be well-rewarded down the road when they are experts in this business and are enjoying growing, positive cash-flows. And you can get started online with very little money or know-how. But if you want to market a product or service on the Internet with little to no money, you must accept the fact that for the vast majority of people, it takes several months (or more!!!) of consistent hard work, learning and implementing to lay a foundation before you even start seeing consistent results. It takes TIME to get your presence out on the Internet. Although with Blogs, TE's, safelists, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, and some other online tools. You also must be willing to invest time and some money in educational materials, if you’re new to this industry and/or this style of marketing... ... and USE them!

I don’t want to waste my time personally mentoring people who are unwilling to do what it takes to succeed. I’m not afraid to tell someone “NO” if I don’t think they are right for our business. That’s because we want a team of entrepreneurs who are serious about building their own business, learning about AR's and email marketing and will acknowledge that it takes time, effort, and money to grow a business; and are willing to do what it takes to reach their goals. If I haven’t scared you off yet, then you’re the kind of person we want in Team OceanSwell! Because we’re so straight forward about what we believe it takes to succeed in this business, we know that the people who join our Team are true entrepreneurs, and that’s why we’re happy to dedicate our time and resources to help others achieve their goals - and that's why Pat gets the $40.00 this month!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

TrafficWave - OceanSwell TEAM Update (#8)

Are you building your list? Building your own email contact list is the single most important activity in online marketing. That's why TrafficWave was chosen for our OceanSwell Team co-op. Why not build downlines with a product that you actually NEED? Anyway, you will always get more click-bank sales (or sales of whatever you are offering) from your own personal contact list.

If you aren't using squeeze pages and optin forms to build your list, you will never get anywhere over the long term in this business. That's my personal belief, because it comes from experience. When starting an online business from scratch, it takes a long time. But times passes, whether you are doing something productive or not. Brian Rooney, owner of TrafficWave, is putting together new tutorial videos on creating lead-capture pages, setting up an autoresponder letter series, what to offer potential subscribers and what to say in follow up letters to generate sales. I know that a lot of people need this kind of help because autoresponders are complicated and some people are afraid to use them.

The way to conquer fear is with knowledge. Once you know exactly what to do, and how to do it, getting the most out of the TrafficWave product becomes easy and you can start building your list, your personal 'brand' and your business - immediately. Don't be intimidated by setting up your autoresponder. Make a committment to learning what you need to learn and put it to work! Once you get good at it and experience the power (and ease of use) of an autoresponder to follow up and create sales on autopilot, you will never go back. As for our TrafficWave Team-Build promotion, the transition has finally been made to revolving URL's, rather than the traditional 'straight-line' Rotator list that we had been using. The Rotators are still there, but they have been folded into this new system. It's a lot better because we can add and subtract affiliate links from it, but the URL will always be the same. It also gives a chance for newer members to get direct referrals sooner, rather then later. We are doing this for both TrafficWave, and the optional NPN Team-Build.

Lastly, I will be paying out the monthly $40.00 cash bonus to a random Team member around the weekend of the 18th/19th of this month. As I said before, this will happen every single month from now on... forever! I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend and enjoyed time with family and friends. Rusty and I did and it was a nice break. But it's time to get back to work, so let's have a good week with list-building and Team promotion.

All the best,

Juli Lopez Shelton