Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You must have the proper mindset in order to succeed with online business

My years of experience with Internet Marketing have caused me to see the world differently. As a result, I have gradually come to understand Albert Einstein's famous quote: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." That quote can mean different things to different people. But what it means to me is that working at your same job, year after year, and hoping for a raise or a promotion is a waste of your most valuable asset... your mind. Likewise, if you are struggling with Internet Marketing, it may be because you are neglecting to use your greatest asset. That's right... your mind!

You can join Team OceanSwell (and that's a good idea!) to get help with promoting the affiliate plans of TrafficWave and Global NPN, but your ultimate success is still largely up to you. This scares and frustrates people who want & expect someone else - i.e. some outside force - to do it all for them. But the fact that it's up to you is actually good news when you have the right mindset. What I mean to say is that, on the Internet, you don't have a boss, a time-clock, office gossip, a 'glass ceiling' or any other kind of discrimination. The ONLY thing that prevents you from having a successful online business is a lack of knowledge, desire, creativity and faith - all of which are mental traits.

I still have my job here in Houston, but I have shifted my thinking and now realize the beauty and wonder of being able to create income streams online that can last a lifetime. What's more, I realize that it could not have come at a better time for me and my family. I don't focus my thoughts on politics, 'the economy', or 'how hard' Internet Marketing is. Instead, I focus my thoughts on the infinite possibilities that online business provides. Things happen so fast online, and that's why I keep using that word, 'focus'. The right mindset keeps you from getting distracted and discouraged, but it also keeps you ready to accept ( and act upon!) new discoveries that suddenly come before you.

Yes, it is difficult. Anyone who ever told you that owning your own business was 'easy' wasn't being truthful. But is that such a bad thing? All transitions have their challenges - like graduating and entering the job market for the first time, or looking beyond the limits of your career to having a home-based business. But when I talk about 'mindset', I think it just boils down to one common factor - that this industry is not for everyone. It takes a special kind of person (with the right attitude) to build an online business from scratch. These are the kinds of people we want as Team Members. Think you might be one of them? If so, then we're waiting for you.

Join Team OceanSwell today!

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