Sunday, December 5, 2010

How do I get people to join TrafficWave?

More basically, the question is, 'How do I get people to buy?' There is an old saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.” What does that even mean? It means that you can't make him drink water if he isn't thirsty for it!

But (in the context of the old saying) you have two choices of how to handle the stubborn horse:

1) Show the horse how cold, wet and refreshing the water is.
2) Try a different horse.

But here's something to consider. Maybe the horse just doesn't like water. Maybe it likes orange juice or beer instead! So what point am I trying to make (LOL)? What I'm saying is that you can't jam a product like TrafficWave in peoples' faces and expect them to simply join as users and affiliates because it's there. Instead, present a menu of long-term benefits that email list-building and automated, email marketing provide to any online entrepreneur. Let them select for themselves the reason/s to use the product and become an affiliate.

Because you know what? Internet Marketing tactics are becoming stale and overused. People today are becoming much more savvy to sales tricks of the trade. They are immune to most tactics and are even completely put off at the first sign of hype or high-pressured sales. Remember, people like to buy (power of choice), but people do NOT want to be “sold” by someone else. Only by selling themselves have they retained the power of choice.

Any business worthy of your attention will first explain the direct benefits to you well before asking you to plop down your hard earned cash. That's why you should incorporate the 30-Day FREE Trial into your marketing message. It does not “sell” anything... and doesn't have to. The prospects sell themselves after having the benefits explained over the course of 30 days. It's not 'selling' (or forcing a horse to drink!), it's educating - through which the buyer has the opportunity to sell himself. Try this approach and I promise that your results will improve over time.

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