Sunday, June 27, 2010

TrafficWave - OceanSwell TEAM Update (#5)

How much advertising does it take to get MLM/affiliate referrals online? It takes a LOT! From the combined effort of our Team Members, my safelist mailings and my Adwords campaign, the Team Ads received close to 12,000 page views total last week. But (last week, at least), it just wasn't enough to move the Rotator so that the next team member can have his turn. I'm beginning to think that it takes about TEN TIMES that much advertising, at a minimum. It can be very, very frustrating! But that's Internet marketing, and it doesn't matter what program you're promoting. Obviously, it takes at least that many ad impressions (on a weekly basis) to realize any kind of results. But, it could also be that it's just real close to pay day. Seriously, most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and that's if - IF - they have a job. And since a large percentage of those who are looking at online business for the first time are the newly unemployed, it makes it that much harder to bring them in as new affiliates... because they're BROKE!

Anyway, I want to thank every Team Member for working so hard this week. For the most part, everyone went far and above the required minimum advertising contribution. That's just wonderful! But as for enforcing the minimum weekly 'hit count', I'm not doing it this week because it might not be fair to certain individuals. As you may or may not know, TrafficWave is being updated with new features and (although the website functions normally), there were issues this week with the tracking URLs during this construction process. Some people could have sent out mailings, bought TE credits or what-have-you and no one would have seen the ads! For that reason, this just wasn't the best week and there's nothing I can do about it other than suspend the rule this time.

The bottom line is that we need more Team Members and TrafficWave users promoting our Team Ads. Speaking of which, I am re-designing them with a fresh and powerful look and will continue to do so. In addition, I feel that the new autoresponder series is much stronger and I am continually making adjustments to it. Same for the Adwords ads. If there's something more that I could personally be doing for this OceanSwell Team, I sure don't know what it would be. However, there is a new plan being developed to ad a little spice to our co-op system. We're going to add another program, in addition to TrafficWave. Once the new program is announced, I plan to 'flip' the Rotator and let those who have come in recently (or today!) be at the top, and everyone else who wants to participate will join the new program under him or her - in the reverse order of the Rotator. In other words, I'll join it LAST! This new program will be OPTIONAL to join, and I believe that it will mesh well with and compliment our TrafficWave promotion. In this way, Team Members will have even more reason to promote our Team co-op and, especially those currently at the tail-end of the Rotator.

So far, the new affiliate program hasn't been decided upon. But the decision will be made in the next few days and your input is both desired and welcome. I believe that the addition of another (optional) income stream will make our program even more attractive. Please let me know what you think!

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