Do people really make a good income with TrafficWave and Team Oceanswell? That's a question I get asked occasionally. What happens quite often with our Team Ads is that the results they produce aren't always new affiliates and Team Members joining TrafficWave (or Global NPN). Instead, they frequently generate inquiries such as 'how much will I earn?', 'how long will it take?', 'can I join with an existing account?', or 'I was in TrafficWave before and it didn't work for me, so why is this any different?'
New subscribers and, of course, new Team Members receive a letter series that I feel answers the important questions - honestly and directly. But what some people demand to know is, 'how much and how soon?'. If I could answer that, I would be a psychic and not an Internet Marketer. All I can tell you for certain is that collective-recruiting through team-builds like ours is the best chance you've got at establishing and growing an online affiliate business. Will it happen quickly? Probably not. But it won't happen at all if you never even try! And remember that TrafficWave is first and foremost an autoresponder service. That's a product that any serious online businessperson needs - and 'how much you can earn' is largely influenced by the energy and creativity that you put into building your email contact list over time.
But to answer the very first question in this blog post is that yes, you can earn a nice monthly income with TrafficWave and Team OceanSwell. Six(6) OceanSwell Team Members are now consistently among TrafficWave's top-earning affiliates on a monthly basis, and I'm not even one of them. But guess what my goal is... and guess why I will never quit? By the way, did I mention that Team OceanSwell is only one year old? Where will it be this time next year, or five years from now? It's going to be a whole lot bigger, that much is for certain! And as far as autoresponders and list-building are concerned, very few people understand just how valuable their email contact list really and truly is. I mean that everybody 'hears' that it's important, but I don't think that very many people actually get it. Ask anyone who's been doing this business for years and they will tell you that their list is their most valuable asset. It's like virtual real estate! And to build it, you need an autoresponder like TrafficWave.
But as we all know, TrafficWave also happens to have a potentially lucrative affiliate sales plan. And to build an income with that aspect of the product, the help of a team-build like ours is a good thing to have. Speaking of help, the recipient of November's $40.00 cash bonus is David Glassey. David can consider it two free months of TrafficWave, use it purchase a large safe-list mailing or buy a share of Brian Rooney's January co-op. That's up to him. But the point is that he's receiving another benefit of being part of the now-famous Team OceanSwell.
So that's all I can tell you. If you want to build a large and productive email contact list, then TrafficWave is your autoresponder. If you want help with building your affiliate downline, then you should join TrafficWave through Team OceanSwell. Those are facts. But if all you want to know is who will make you the richest in the least amount of time, the 'answers' that you will find online will likely be something other than factual.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Enjoy the time with your families and friends and be SAFE on the roads!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
TrafficWave - OceanSwell TEAM Update (#10)

I wish I could say otherwise, but I'd be lying. And while I'm no 'expert' on Internet Marketing, everything that I've ever read and everything that I've ever done (i.e. anything that works) always leads to the same conclusions. First of all, it takes years to become an online business success. Secondly, it takes a little money and a whole LOT of effort and sacrifice before you will see any results at all. But, of course, nobody wants to hear that. What they want is a full-time income 'online', with little to no effort, for no cost and they want it NOW - oh, and they want somebody else to do all the thinking for them. That's like walking up to a university and expecting a degree within 30 days, with someone else attending classes, doing all your homework and taking the tests for you... for Free. I'm sorry, life just doesn't work that way - online or 'offline'. There's no 'fast, easy' way and there's no free rides. In my experience so far, I have found two (and only two) things that work - email list building with my TrafficWave autoresponder and the OceanSwell Team-Build for the TrafficWave affiliate plan (which also builds downlines in Global NPN). Additionally, I promote My Money Fish, Peoplestring, 3x6surf and GDI, but I only do it with advertising that links to my autoresponder.
That's because growing your opt-in mailing list accomplishes two things at once: It automates your marketing and allows you to communicate to a large group all at once. Everyone who markets online with the fundamental goal of list-building uses the same basic system. That's because there aren't any new fundamentals. And, in my opinion, list-building should be the #1 thing every online marketer focuses upon - day in and day out. Because upon that single activity rests everything else. There is NO other thing that you can do that will benefit your business more. Everything you do online should involve your goal of list-building. Online, everybody wants 'traffic' (naturally). But once that traffic comes to your ad or website, it should be directed toward your opt-in form. That way, you will have continued access to that traffic forever, rather than just one time! Understand? If you don't understand it, then you NEED to understand it.
Of course, getting traffic to your page and then getting opt-ins are two different things. Basically, you must give your visitors a compelling reason to join your email contact list right now.... and without 'selling' anything. Remember this: Everybody wants to buy, but nobody wants to be sold. In my OceanSwell series of Marketing Tips, I offer suggestions about where to go for webinars and other material related to the subject of list-building. It's an art-form unto itself and mastering it is a learning process that takes time. But learn it you must, if you wish to be a success in this business.
Anyway, working full-time and trying to do so many things online can sometimes make it hard to stay in touch with my OceanSwell Team Members, thus this update has been a little late in coming. But the winner of the $40.00 cash bonus in October was Team Member, Frank Novak. Speaking of Frank, he is one of those who is opting to promote a personal ad page in addition to my regular Team Ads. You can have a look at his unique ad here. If you would like a custom ad yourself, please contact me and I will see that you receive one asap!
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