Sunday, June 20, 2010

TrafficWave - OceanSwell TEAM Update (#4)

It's been one week since I decided to make some big changes to our TrafficWave Team co-op. Why were those changes made? For one basic reason: To speed things up! What everyone wants to know is, 'How can we make the Team OceanSwell co-op work faster?' Another thing I get asked is, 'What are YOU doing to make it work faster?' For one thing, I am going to follow through on what I established last Sunday! If you want to benefit from this Team co-op in order to build your TrafficWave affiliate downline, then you must do the minimum weekly advertising that is required of every Team Member. I am not interested in excuses. In fact, starting today, the NEW weekly page view requirement is 700, rather than 500. The increase is necessary in order to get our ads seen by the public.

Speaking of which, I had to deal with two separate 'crisis' issues in the last 48 hours. The first involved a problem with our splash/squeeze page design & hosting service that caused our ads to go blank. That is why I have switched to AdKreator, and am very, very pleased with the results! The second had to do with a technical glitch within TrafficWave itself that caused our ads to stop working temporarily again! But, that's life and those are the kinds of issues you have to deal with as a Team Leader.

Of course, Team OceanSwell isn't 'one' team. It's numerous teams within one dynamic downline. Ours is a fairly small one. That's good and bad. It's good because my Rotator lists are very short! It's bad because there aren't as many of us advertising my Team Ads and when some Team members don't (or won't) do the weekly minimum, then it makes it even more challenging to get new referrals for the Team. At any rate, here are the stats for what has taken place this week as a result of the changes that were put into effect last Sunday: Our Team Ads registered a total of 11,928 page views in seven days, resulting in seven(7) click-throughs. Obviously, a ratio of 1,704 displays per click-through reveals just how much advertising it takes to generate sales online. It takes a LOT, and that is why this Team co-op was conceived. Can you generate 11,928 page view every week on your own?

However, much to my chagrin, I have had to send out the 'First Warning' to five(5) Team members this evening with regard to the minimum weekly advertising requirements for all Team Members. As I said last Sunday, this is being STRICTLY enforced from now on. I'm lighting a fire under everyone's butt, especially my own butt! That's because I've got a big goal. To achieve it, I'll need to do big things. We ALL dream of having a big, responsive email list to send messages to about about new products and services. And, as TrafficWave users, we ALL dream of being Tsunami Level affiliates with big downlines. So what I am about to say is very important: There are other teams and other downline-building systems out there. What makes Team OceanSwell different is true teamwork, communication, trust and leadership - not just talk, REAL leadership.

Who is responsible for maintaining the Team Rotators? Me. Who designs the ads and keeps them fresh? Me. Who answers the daily emails from Team Members and responds to all enquiries? Me. Who enforces the rules and keeps things fair? Me. Who has a GOLD membership at The List Auction in order to send 12,000 emails a week AND have top-sponsor ads for our Team? Me. Who is spending money on an AdWords for our Team every week? Me.

Who is at the bottom of Rotator #1? Me. Who works a full-time job, needs foot surgery, has a house and husband to look after and STILL performs all of these responsibilities? That's right... me.

So the next time you want to send me an email telling me how much of a burden it is for you to do the weekly minimum with regard to advertising, or an email demanding to know what I am going to DO to make your life better, please don't bother to hit the 'send' button. I just detailed what I do on a daily and weekly basis for this TrafficWave/OceanSwell Team. All that I ask from each of you is that you stay committed, believe in yourselves and believe in what we're building, learn everything there is to learn about opt-in list building and never, never, never quit. If you do your part, I'll do mine.

And last, but not least, I want to mention that all of the hit-counters have been reset and Eliezer Ayal was the week's top promoter, which earns a BONUS TrafficWave referral!

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